Title: Receive and Pay Bills --- The Receive & Pay Vendor bills option is available under the Vendors menu. There are 3 options available under Receive & Pay Vendor Bills and they are New Vendor Bill, Receive Vendor Credits and Create a Customer Refund. >![Image](media/ReceiveVendorBills.JPG) >ReceiveVendorBills.JPG To view the list of entered vendor invoices click on Vendors - Receive & Pay Bills and the list will appear. >![Image](media/ReceiveVendorBillsList.JPG) >ReceiveVendorBillsList.JPG The Vendor Invoices and Customer Refunds window column headings that are underlined can be used to sort the window data. >![Image](media/ReceiveVendorBillsColumns.JPG) >ReceiveVendorBillsColumns.JPG Field |Description --------|------------ Vendor Check Box |When viewing unpaid payable, clicking this box will flag all payables for payment, clicking the box a second time will un-select the payables Vendor |This column displays the vendor name the payable was entered for PO No. |This field displays the purchase order number that was entered on the payable, this field is an active link to the purchase order, clicking on the purchase order number will open the purchase order without having to leave the Receive & Pay Bills window Invoice No. |This field displays the vendor invoice number that was entered Invoice Date |This is the invoice date from the vendor invoice Due Date |This is the Due Date of the invoice Amount |This is the amount of the invoice Balance |This is the balance due remaining on the invoice In the Vendor Invoices window, there are up to 6 icons available. >![Image](media/ReceiveVendorBillsListIcons.JPG) >ReceiveVendorBillsListIcons.JPG ## Receive a new vendor bill ## This option allows you to enter information from the paper vendor invoice. You are creating an entry in your Accounts Payables list. This will create an entry in your Vendor Invoices and Customer Refunds list. This is a list of payables that you will generate a check for. All entries made will stay in this list unless the entry is deleted. Of course, only unpaid entries may be deleted. To delete an invoice, click on the invoice and click on the Delete icon at the top of the window. If an invoice is paid in error, the check may be voided and the invoice can be adjusted if necessary and sent to the Pay Queue to be paid again. Once a check has been voided, that check number cannot be used again. See the New Vendor Bill section of this document for details on entering a vendor bill (invoice). >[information] >The Flag Invoices for Payment icon no longer exists. All unpaid invoices appear with a selection box to the left of the >invoice in the list. When you select an invoice for payment by clicking on this check box, the invoice is automatically >flagged for payment. ## Create a Customer Refund ## If you need to generate a refund check to your customer, this option allows you to create the entry in your Payables list so you can generate a refund check. See the Customer Refund section of this document for details for creating a customer refund. ## Make Payments ## This icon allows you to complete the check generation process. Clicking on this icon opens the Pay Invoices window and all of the invoices you have flagged for payment will appear in this list. Each entry in this list has a selection check box to its left. >![Image](media/ReceiveVendorBillsMakePayments.JPG) >ReceiveVendorBillsMakePayments.JPG Field |Description --------|------------- Show All |Checking this option will display all unpaid vendor invoices, whether they have been flagged for payment or not Show flagged |This option will show you only the invoices that have been flagged for payment Due on or before |This option will prompt you for a date. Only invoices with a Due date on or before the date you enter will be displayed Payment Account |Select the cash account that you are going to make the payments from, if you have multiple cash accounts that are flagged as an account that you will write checks from, it will appear as a selection option here Ending Balance |This field indicates the Payments Account balance if you generate checks for the selected invoices Posting Date |This is the date that the payments will be posted to in your general ledger. You can pre and post date your checks Submit To Pay Queue |Clicking on the Submit To Pay Queue button will update your ledger with the selected payments >[information] >Clicking on the Submit To Pay Queue button will flag your invoices as paid even though the checks have not yet been printed. >You will see the rotating $100 bill when you have checks waiting to be printed as a reminder that you have submitted checks >to the Pay Queue but have not yet printed them. Don't forget to print your checks. ## Manual Vendor Discounts ## >![Image](media/ReceiveVendorBillsManualDiscounts.JPG) >ReceiveVendorBillsManualDiscounts.JPG Vendor discounts can be entered manually if necessary. If the vendor offers an early payment discount, the discount terms should be entered in the vendor database so the discount can be applied automatically. >[information] >To manually enter a discount, place your mouse in the Discounts column on the invoice line in the Pay Invoices window. You will see the discount input field appear allowing you to enter the dollar amount of the discount to be applied to the invoice. After entering the discount amount, the Amt to Pay value will update reflecting the applied discount. >[information] >If your vendors offer early payment discounts and you can enter the terms in the Vendor database (Payments tab - Early Payment Discount input field) the discounts will >be calculated for you and will appear in the Discounts column automatically, if the discount terms are satisfied. > ## Vendor Deposits and Credits ## If a deposit has been paid on a purchase order the deposit amount paid will appear in the Deposits column on the invoice line. Deposits paid towards a purchase order cannot be altered because the deposit check has already been generated. When entering an invoice where a deposit has been paid be sure to enter the invoice for the full amount of the invoice before the deposit has been applied. The deposit amount paid will be deducted from the invoice amount when you pay the invoice. Any vendor credits that have been entered will be automatically applied to payments to that vendor and if applied, will appear in the Credits column. If you wish to pay the invoice in full, without using any of the credits, simply remove the dollar amount from the Credits field. ## Check No. # Field |Description ---------|------------ To be Printed |If the check is to be printed on check stock, leave this option selected. The check number on your check stock must match the check numbers being printed. Handwritten |If the check was handwritten select this option. The check will not be printed but your general ledger accounts will be updated as if the check was printed. The check number entered will appear in your check register as a check that has been generated as well. ## Checks waiting to be printed ## Once you have submitted invoices to the Pay Queue, you will see the rotating $100 bill icon, which serves as a reminder that you have checks waiting to be printed. If you see the rotating $100 bill then you know that checks are ready to be printed. Once all the checks in the Pay Bills window have been printed, the rotating $100 bill will no longer be visible. >![Image](media/ReceiveVendorBillsMakePaymentsCkNo.JPG) >ReceiveVendorBillsMakePaymentsCkNo.JPG Select your starting check number that matches your check stock. >![Image](media/ReceiveVendorBillsPrintChecks.JPG) >ReceiveVendorBillsPrintChecks.JPG Field |Description --------|------------- [change] |This icon to the right of the account allows you to change the cash account that the selected checks will be paid from [uncheck all] |This icon will unselect invoices. Any invoices unselected will not be paid in this check run Selection box to left of check number |This check box allows you to (un)select which invoices you are going to pay in this check run. The invoice will remain flagged for payment. Remove invoice from Pay Queue icon |This icon - to the right of the amount to pay field will remove the invoice from the pay queue, invoices removed from the pay queue must be flagged for payment again to be paid Preview Checks |This button will open the Preview Checks window showing you a PDF view of the checks to be generated. From this window, you click on the printer icon to send the checks to your printer ## Reprint Checks ## This icon allows you to reprint an existing check. To reprint a check, click on this icon and enter the check number or numbers separated by a comma and these check images will be reprinted. This option is to reprint a previously printed check. >[information] >Checks can also be reprinted from the Check Register under Accounting - Check Register. > Reprint Checks Window >[warning] >This option is only to be used to print an existing check on check stock containing the original check number. >Checks can be printed on plain white paper if desired. >![Image](media/ReceiveVendorBillsReprintChecks.JPG) >ReceiveVendorBillsReprintChecks.JPG Enter the check number(s) of the checks you want to reprint and click on the Reprint Checks button. The Preview Checks window will open. >![Image](media/ReceiveVendorBillsPreviewChks.JPG) >ReceiveVendorBillsPreviewChks.JPG Click on the printer icon to send your checks to the printer connected to your computer or to a computer on your network. >[information] >You can only send checks to printers defined on your company network or to printers installed on your computer. ## Search Payables ## This icon allows you to search the invoices you have entered. >![Image](media/ReceiveVendorBillsSearchPayables.JPG) >ReceiveVendorBillsSearchPayables.JPG Field |Description --------|------------- Invoice Number |Enter the invoice number on the invoice you received from the vendor. Entering the first few characters or digits of the vendor invoice number will display any vendor invoices that match what you have entered increasing the chance of finding the invoice Invoice Due Date |Enter a date range (From date and To date), invoices with an Invoice Due date within this range will be displayed Paid/Unpaid |Search by Paid invoices or Unpaid invoices DealerChoice PO Number |Enter the purchase order number, invoices that we entered with this purchase order number will be displayed Search By Vendor |Enter the vendor name and invoices from that vendor will be displayed, you can enter multiple vendor names. Search |Click on the Search button to start the search process Save Search |Click on the Save Search check box to save the search criteria entered, saved searches can be reused without having to re-enter search criteria (See below for details on using saved searches) ## Save Search ## ## Entering the search criteria ## >![Image](media/ReceiveVendorBillsSearchPayablesSave.JPG) >ReceiveVendorBillsSearchPayablesSave.JPG After you have entered your search criteria and if this is a search that you want to re-use, click on the Save Search check box. You will be prompted to enter a name for your search. In the example above, the search criteria entered is for Allseating invoices with an Unpaid status. The search is being saved as 'Open Allseating Invoices'. Now that you have your search criteria entered and you have elected to save your search criteria, click on the Search Button, your search will be performed and your search criteria will be saved. ## Reusing the saved search ## >![Image](media/ReceiveVendorBillsSearchPayablesSaveUse.JPG) >ReceiveVendorBillsSearchPayablesSaveUse.JPG After saving your search criteria, you can now run the same search again by selecting the name of the search that has been saved. You can save multiple search criteria by using different saved search names. Click on the drop down selection arrow to display the names of all your saved searches, select the search name you want to run and click on the Go button. The search criteria saved under that search name will be performed. You also have the option of deleting a saved search. After selecting the saved search name, instead of clicking on the Go button, click on the 'X' icon and your search will be removed from the list. ## Pagination Controls ## The pagination controls allow you click on a page number to display, or you can use the left '<' and right '>' arrows to scroll through the pages of your invoices. ## Sort Options ## The Sort Options control is found on the right side of the window under the Pagination controls. Click on the 'Sort Options' link to see the options. >![Image](media/ReceiveVendorBillsSortOptions.JPG) >ReceiveVendorBillsSortOptions.JPG Field |Description --------|------------- All Payables |This option will display the entire list of payables entered Only Paid Payables |This option will display only payables that have been paid Only Flagged Payables |This option will display payables that have been flagged for payment Only Unpaid Payables |This option will display unpaid payables, including flagged payables Show All Types |This option will display bills, credits, refunds and deposits Only Show Bills |This option will display invoices only per the option selected in the 'Show' field Only Show Credits |This option will display credits only per the option selected in the 'Show' field Only Show Refunds |This option will display refunds only per the option selected in the 'Show' field Only Show Deposits |This option will display deposits only per the option selected in the 'Show' field From Date |Filters the list to display by the Due date entered on the bill, credit, refund or deposit, start date To Date |Filters the list to display by the Due date entered on the bill, credit, refund or deposit, end date Users list |This option allows you to search the list by the person that entered the payable Remember Preferences |Checking this box will preserve your Sort Options. These settings will be used to display your payables list until you change the settings. This option is preserved by user, it is not a global setting, if this box is left unchecked, the particular sort will be preserved until you leave the Receive & Pay Bills window Go |Click on the Go button after you have made your Sort Option selections to perform the Sort