Title: My Saved Reports --- ## My Saved Reports ## Each report in the system has an option to allow you to add the report to your saved reports. When the check box is checked, you are prompted to enter a name for your report. This option allows you to save your specific report filter criteria so you do not have to select the same filter criteria for each time you run the report. If the report is saved, you can simply select the report name from the My Saved Reports menu option and the report will be run with the filter criteria had previously saved. Once the report runs, you are able to adjust the report filter criteria and if so desired, you can save that criteria as well. Click on Reports - My Saved Reports to view any saved reports. Click on the saved report name to run that report. >![Image](media/MySavedReportsMenu.JPG) >MySavedReportsMenu.JPG To save a report, click on the 'Add this report to your saved reports' check box. This will allow you to save your report filter criteria. The example below shows the Accounts Receivable report being saved with the specific date range of January 1, 2010 through March 31, 2010, for the sales rep names Test User. The Save report will be named '1QTR TEST USER'. The report will not be shared. The AR report options window below shows these settings. Click on the Run Report button to execute the report and your report will be saved for you automatically. >![Image](media/MySavedReportsSave.JPG) >MySavedReportsSave.JPG The report name '1QTR TEST USER' now appears under the My Saved Reports menu option under reports. >![Image](media/MySavedReportsSaved.JPG) >MySavedReportsSaved.JPG Now that the report criteria has been saved, we can simply click on the report name under the My Saved Reports menu to run the report. ## Edit and Delete Saved Reports ## You can edit or delete the report criteria for a saved report by first running the report, then click on the [Update Report Settings] link. This will open the Report Settings & Preferences window to allow you to change the filter criteria. Click on the 'Add this report to your saved reports' check box again and run the report. The report will be saved with the updated filter criteria. To delete a saved report, click on the report in the My Saved Reports menu to run the report. Click on the [Update Report Settings] link and then click on the Delete Report button instead of the Run Report button. The report name will be removed from the My Saved Reports menu. You can add as many report names as you like to the My Saved Report menu. The example below shows the Report Settings window for a saved report. TO delete this report name from the My Saved Reports menu, click on the Delete Report button. >![Image](media/MySavedReportsDelete.JPG) >MySavedReportsDelete.JPG