Title: Cash Disbursements --- ## Cash Disbursements Report ## This report shows the cash disbursed on a specific date or period of time when invoices are paid or deposits are issued. After you click on this menu option the Cash Disbursements Report settings window will open allowing you to select your report filters. >![Image](media/Vendors&PayablesCashDispOptions.JPG) >Vendors&PayablesCashDispOptions.JPG Cash Disbursements Report Filters |Description ---------------------------------|---------------- What time frame should the report reflect |Select the date range that you want the report to reflect. Show Invoice Detail |In Detail view mode you will see the actual check number and invoice number that have been paid during the time frame selected. In Simple view mode you will only see the check number, date and amount. Should the report be filtered to specific customers or vendors |Enter the first few characters of the customer or vendor name and any entries in your database will be displayed. Select the appropriate entry form the list displayed and the report will be filtered to that customer or vendor. Add this report to your saved reports |Clicking on this check box will allow you to enter a name for your report and save your report filter criteria. The report name will appear in your My Saved Reports menu under the Reports menu. Below is an example Cash Disbursements report filtered to the vendor Herman Miller and it was run in detail view mode. >![Image](media/Vendors&PayablesCashDispReport.JPG) >Vendors&PayablesCashDispReport.JPG