Title: Vendor 1099 Report --- ## Vendor 1099 Report ## This report identifies payments you have made to your 1099 vendors and allows you to generate 1099 reports. Clicking on the Vendor 1099 report menu option will open the Vendor 1099 report settings window will open to allow you to select report filter criteria. >![Image](media/Vendors&PayablesVendor1099Options.JPG) >Vendors&PayablesVendor1099Options.JPG Vendor 1099 Report Filters |Description ---------------------------|---------------- Filtered to specific vendors |Enter the first few characters of the vendor name and any matches in your database will be presented. Select the appropriate entry from the list. This option is for printing a 1099 form for a specific 1099 vendor. What time frame should the report reflect |Select the timeframe that you wish to generate 1099 reports for. Add this report to your saved reports |Checking this box will allow you to enter a name to save your report criteria. The name you enter here will appear un the My Saved Reports menu option under Reports. >![Image](media/Vendors&PayablesVendor1099Report.JPG) >Vendors&PayablesVendor1099Report.JPG