Title: Vendor Discounting Report --- ## Vendor Discounting Report ## This report shows all vendors and their respective discounts, along with discount ID's, effective and expiration dates, and product discounting tiers. You can use this report to help in managing your discounts. >![Image](media/Vendors&PayablesVenDiscOptions.JPG) >Vendors&PayablesVenDiscOptions.JPG Vendor Discount Report Filters |Description -------------------------------|---------------- Should report be filtered to specific vendors |Enter the first few characters of the vendor name and any matches in your vendor database will be displayed, select the appropriate entry from the list and the report will display any discounts on file for that vendor. Should the report be filtered to specific customers |Enter the first few characters of the customers name and any entries in your customer database will be displayed, select the appropriate entry from the list and the report will display any discounts on file for that customer. Search Discounts by expiration date |Select an expiration date range to filter the report to show only those discounts that will expire on the date you have selected. Search By Discount ID |Enter the discount ID to search for. Show Discount Details |In detail view mode the full discount detail, simple view will only display the discount type, discount ID, effective date and expiration date. Add this report to your saved reports |CHecking this box will allow you to enter a name to save your search criteria. Your report name will appear under the My Saved Reports menu option under Reports. The example below shows the Vendor Discounting report filtered by two vendors and in detail view mode. >![Image](media/Vendors&PayablesVenDiscReport.JPG) >Vendors&PayablesVenDiscReport.JPG