Title: Command line interface --- TypeFriendly is used only from the operating system command line. It supports both Windows systems and various Unix clones, including Linux. You can call the script in this way: ~~~ [console] # Under Windows and Unix systems php typefriendly.php # Under Unix systems (since TF 0.1.2) ./typefriendly ~~~ TypeFriendly 0.1.0 and 0.1.1 ============================ The required parameter is always a path to the documentation directory (it means, to the directory that contains the `settings.ini` and other files). For example: ~~~ [console] ./typefriendly "./docs/" ~~~ Allowed options that must be provided in the alphabetical order are: `-c LANGUAGE` : a tool for multilingual documentations. It compares the last modification time of the files and shows those ones in the derived language that are not up-to-date. Moreover it looks also for the missing files. `-l LANGUAGE` : generates the documentation in the specified language (by default, the base language is chosen). `-o OUTPUT` : generates the documentation, using the specified output only. It must be listed in the available outputs in the configuration. Example: ~~~ [console] php typefriendly.php "./docs/" -l en -o xhtml ~~~ To display the information about TypeFriendly, call the script without any parameters. TypeFriendly 0.1.2 and newer ============================ In TypeFriendly 0.1.2, the command-line interface has been improved and the usage of the script has changed. The first argument is always a command specifying what we want to do. In the second place, we should specify a path to the directory with the documentation we want to process and at last, we specify the options. The available commands: 1. **create** - creates a new documentation from a template and saves it to the specified (empty) directory. TypeFriendly asks you four questions about the newly created document and uses the values to prepare the configuration file. The use: [console] ./typefriendly create "/path/to/directory" 2. **build** - builds an output version of the specified documentation. The available (optional) options are `-l` (the language) and `-o` (the used output system). The use: [console] ./typefriendly build "/path/to/directory" -l en -o xhtml 3. **compare** - compares the translation to the original version. This command requires the `-l` option to select the translation. [console] ./typefriendly compare "/path/to/directory" -l pl 4. **version** - prints TypeFriendly version. [console] ./typefriendly version