3. Creating a new project
3.1. Directory structure
3. Creating a new project
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3.2. settings.ini file
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3.1. Directory structure

The TypeFriendly project must have a proper directory structure. Create somewhere a new directory - in this manual we will mark it as /. Then, add some new directories and files to it:


The rules are simple. The /input directory contains the subdirectories representing the various language versions of the book. Inside them, we place text files with the content. TypeFriendly generates the output files to the /output directory, so it must have some write access there. Directly in the main directory, we put the configuration files common to all the language versions. The most important is settings.ini with the configuration. sort_hints.txt contains our own sorting rules. Their structure will be introduced in the next chapters.

Optionally, the language version subdirectories may also contain /input/LANGUAGE/media and /input/LANGUAGE/templates directories for:

They will be also described later.

3.1. Directory structure
3. Creating a new project
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3. Creating a new project
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3.2. settings.ini file