3.4. File syntax
3.4.4. Code spans
3.4.3. Emphasis
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3.4.4. Code spans

You have probably already noticed some fixed width text on a yellow background inserted directly in the text. It is produced with backtick quotes ` wrapped around a text we wish to format:

Use the `print()` function to display some text.

Use the print() function to display some text.

The formatted text can be surrounded with double backtick quotes, if it already contains such characters, to create the same effect:

`` This text contains a backtick quote (`) inside ``

This text contains a backtick quote (`) inside

If the quote is located at the beginning or end of the span, it can be separated with a single space that will not be displayed:

A single quote: `` ` ``

A text in backtick quotes: `` `something` ``

A single quote: `

A text in backtick quotes: `something`

The symbols <, > and & are always escaped inside the code span. The HTML tags are nod parsed then.

Never use `<blink>` tag.
Will produce:

Never use <blink> tag.

See also:

3.4.4. Code spans
3.4. File syntax
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3.4.3. Emphasis
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3.4.5. Headers