3.4. File syntax
3.4.10. Tables
3.4.9. Code blocks
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3.4.10. Tables

It is possible to add tables to text in Markdown. A simple table looks like this:

First header | Second header
-------------| -------------
Cell content | Cell content
Cell content | Cell content
First header Second header
Cell content Cell content
Cell content Cell content

The first line contains table headers. The second one are lines (----) that separate the headers from the table rows. The columns are separated with a vertical bar |.

Optionally, you may also add the vertical bars before and after each table line:

| First header | Second header |
|--------------| --------------|
| Cell content | Cell content  |
| Cell content | Cell content  |

The only content available in table cells are the inline elements, such as emphasis, links, images and code spans.

Align to left or right side

In tables it is possible to specify content alignment for each column. It is done by using colon : on the left, right or both sides of lines separating headers and content in columns. In the below example we optically aligned text in rows but it is not necessary.

| Header   | Header  | Header   | Header   |
| -------- |:------- | --------:|:--------:|
| Default  | To left | To right |    And   |
| position | side    |     side | centered |
Header Header Header Header
Default To left To right And
position side side centered

Default CSS of the output (xhtml and xhtml_single) automatically makes cells centered.

3.4.10. Tables
3.4. File syntax
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3.4.9. Code blocks
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3.4.11. Definition lists